Hello again, just wanted to stop by and update some things. It is actually strange to have a You tube channel, Facebook page, and blog. A lot of things to keep updated. I realize some people have stated they never use Facebook and others have no time to watch videos so i need to keep this going.
So what has been happening? Stuff.
For starters I made another base request. 32 X 50 rectangles for Flames of War.

Also I have commissioned a new logo and package image. I contracted a guy from the Netherlands on the web site Fiverr. This was to be a stylized representation of the back of my workshop.

And his interpretation.

The reason for this is as slot car bodies become more of a product line the fantasy fighter on the current logo becomes less applicable.
The 3D printer learning curve has continued to be long and difficult. I burned through $100 in resin with no usable prints. More resin is on the way. The stench is horrific. One of the staples of success is to try one more time than you fail. It does kind of suck to spend hours and hours and hundreds of dollars with no tangible results.

The old adage is that in fact you never fail. You learn or you succeed and both are good in the end.
The results that do appear are very promising, right up until the print peels off the build plate.
Once all processes are sorted out I will have to hire a good digital sculptor to work on things. Trying to do everything is too limiting to what can get done.
I actually have another person from Fiverr doing vehicle wraps for use as decals.
She is starting with this one.

The failure of this mold was more than a little annoying and has led to the creation of an entirely new system for making sliding side molds. Once again I am getting help with this. The person doing the machine work actually knows what he is doing and the results are impressive.

My CAD work on cars continues and in addition to the Torino we have a new sibling for the Plymouth almost ready to print.

My track is currently down.
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I am working on a mobile track built on 2 tilting tables with wheels. I will share the build on an upcoming youtube video. Working on plans now for the layout but this will allow me to roll it in to the truck and take it to slot car shows like we do with much less hassle. Also, I can fold it up and reach the center to paint and do scenery.

Also getting some work done on another project for yet another guy. His project is quite interesting and hopefully he will do well with them.

So that is a lot of things in the to do list. If I could figure this 3D printing out I can start printing the parts to make these cars. If I can not I will have to start the messy process of CNC milling.
Speaking of messy, the Novakon leak has worsened and I am forced to conduct repairs yet again. This coolant is rather expensive to buy, even though it last a while since it is diluted. I simply hate having my floors awash in expensive liquids.

In extremely good personal news the final piece of metal pipe is out of my home. For 20 years these metal pipes have been slowly decaying and causing endless headaches. Buried deep in a wall behind my closet was this last piece and now it has failed for the last time. This calls for a cigar. You can see where I had replaced the pipe with plastic up to that final turn but could reach no further. Well it finally had to go. Nice!

In hobby business news I continue to be baffled by kick starter, as companies can be millions in debt and scores of undelivered kick starters on the books. And yet raise millions more within days. Gamers are truly a forgiving group of customers. I am being serious when I say it really bothers me to see some companies abuse the good will of their customers and mistreat them. It is just wrong. I am watching the coming train wreck of CMON with fascination.
I stopped supporting Devil Pig, which had been my new favorite company. As some of you may be aware, I have long wanted to do 40K in 15mm and their board games are simply perfect for this. I sent them a rather ample supply of emails requesting permission to make plastic tokens for their boardgames and pay them a royalty. They have the license to do this and this is the only way I can think of to get legal plastic 40K stuff.
They never answered. And now they are running another kick starter with the promise if they reach a higher funding level they will even go as far as to produce the stuff I paid for over a year ago……………….so I think that is enough for me. I plan to buy Heroes of Valedor when (if) it ever gets released but no more will I entertain the idea of working with these folks.
I may run a kick starter in the future. Here is why and how.
I had stopped thinking of making much gaming miniatures because that industry is flooded, they are hard as hell to make, and it is simply much easier to 3D print stuff. Here is my build plate for today’s print.

Yes, that is a regiment of 30 Amazon with spear plus a couple of leaders.
Simple, right? Well no. The material stinks like crazy, the process is messy and toxic, and the results are the most fragile models you could ever imagine.
So if I ever get the process of printing a mold sorted out I will be interested in getting some sculpts done. And that process can be expensive. Here is one I got on Fiverr.

So perhaps one day, after every possible problem is solved, I will run a kick starter to pay for some first rate sculpts.
Ok, that is a pretty long post and I am fairly certain very few people are following. But for that one guy out there who refuses to use Facebook, here you go!
( Hey Dave, watch my Warhammer videos. You were around back then.)
Have a great summer and stay safe.