Well time keeps moving on. I realize that my efforts tend to lack focus and generally just wind back and forth to whatever interest me at the moment. The only exception is if I am working to a specific goal for a particular client. Then I tend to keep things going until the job is done.
Lately it occurred to me that my time spent pursuing gaming interests continues to dwindle. So I did some self examination and hit upon a couple of reasons.
Firstly, there are simply too many options. Some might think that having limitless options is a good thing, but not for me. I am not a channel surfer, I am a binge watcher. I tend to like to dwell on a pastime and soak it in. This is impossible with too many things fighting for time in my brain.
This creates the problem that in a group of 20 people there are more than likely 20 favorite games. Remember, there are games, genres, scales, periods, and styles to sort out in order to even have a decent game setup. Add to that rules and then house rules and we are approaching the point where every gamer is going to be a party of one.
I found a youtube channel called the solowargaming show. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmBzUKEorXf79bY4v6WsYWQ
Then I came across this guy explaining the benefits of solo wargaming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPnrlPB6sxs
At the same time I have been teaching myself how to play Heroes of Black Reach. It turned out to be far more enjoyable playing solo a game I was extremely interested in rather than playing in a group a game I was not really in to.
So it seems my future is a solo wargamer playing some 3rd edition WFB and some board games. I have now purchased a video camera set up for youtube and will be doing some game demos for youtube uploads.
Now, how does that work out as to what products I am working on? Well, right now I am 3D printing my 15mm army and troops for Warhammer 40K. None of this is something that can ever be sold without some serious licensing work. So these are just for my own use. My 3rd edition Amazon army is going to take a while to get finished. Other than that I am not really looking to do a lot of gaming products.
If I am to be completely honest here, I feel the gaming industry has become a mainstream juggernaut of billions of dollars. The combination of kick starter and Chinese manufacturing really makes trying to find success in that arena appear hopeless. Efforts to find workable partners have failed, mainly because my part of the partnership is the least valuable to any collaboration. It does not take long before someone makes a snide remark that I could be replaced with Chinese suppliers. Stay in your lane is the advice I must abide by. And I am literally an Amish buggy trying to navigate Interstate 95 near Baltimore. Best to know my place.
But, I still make things that people request.

These are 52X90mm oval bases someone requested. Other than that I am just making some stuff for personal use in the gaming hobby.
I am however working on making the rest of the field of cars that raced in stock car racing in the era of 1970-73.

Here is a prototype of the 71 Road Runner/GTX. This is going in the mill next.

This is a print of the Torino I am building to race. This car is not really on my list to produce as a notchback, but I wanted one for myself so I made it. The fastback will be done in plastic.

Some painted cars have been selling via ebay, which is kind of nice. I like building models but my collection would look like a Mercury dealership if I kept them all.
So that is about where we are at this wonderful fall Saturday. Keep your eyes open for some youtube videos coming soon about games and house rules. And maybe some slot car racing stuff too.
Have a great weekend.