Ok, this has taken far too long but the Cyclone is finally done. Right now I am keeping busy sorting that out and shipping stuff. This post is mostly about how to build it and some pics of my builds.
Here is the kit.

And here are the contents laid out.

More details on the parts. The body needs some flash removal. This thing is way over the limit for my plastic machine but it managed to make them anyways.

The street decals come included by default. If you would like to swap them out for free for race decals please indicate this and it will be done.

And here are some of my builds so far.

If you decide to have a go at building your own, you must wash the parts before painting. At least the body parts. This is what happens with and without a warm dish soap wash.

I am not sure what project is going to interest me next. I will update the project section of the web site and post here anything new.
It seems my energy gets directed at whatever I am currently messing around with. I was really hyped to do some 15mm sci-fi again using 40K models. There was an attempt to gain permission to produce plastic 40K models in 15mm . But although it started promising enough it ended like so many other things have ended when trying to collaborate on a project. No answer to an e-mail. I personally would prefer a profanity laced outburst than no answer.
If I made a list of all the people who simply blew me off in this manner it would be pretty comprehensive.
Oh well, that project is a non-starter. Except I will be making them for me to use. I am extremely excited about Heroes of Black Reach and am replacing all of my cardboard counters with physical models.
There is also a possibility of making a 15mm tank construction set. Just playing around a bit with that design.
And of course, my Oldhammer troops.
Lots of options and will have to see what gets sorted first. For now I am happy to be shipping cars out and building and racing my own model kits.
Enjoy the summer everyone!